Future Future Apparel & Repair
Our Services
At Store Du Nord, we’re happy to extend some extra service for your cherished garments and new purchases.
Aside from the regular tailor options we offer, we also provide Repair, Reproof (re-waxing of Barbour jackets) and Chainstitch Hemming, done by specialised people in partnership with Store Du Nord.
Repair & Reproof Service
For the Repair & Reproof Service we are proud to work together with Pey (IG: sashikodenim) & Fez (IG: fezhemmingway) from FUTUREFUTUREAPPAREL, one of the most renowned repair artists in the industry. Pey and his team offer an extensive range of repair options for jeans, knitwear, waxed cotton garments (such as Barbour jackets) and other sorts. Just keep in mind the following: we don’t repair stretch fabrics. The reason for this is, that a fabric with stretch will always keep a weak point and thus will break quite quickly again after the repair. We recommend you buy non-stretch garments.
Chainstitch Hemming
The majority of our raw denim jeans are finished with a chainstitch on the hem. In order to alter the jeans in an original stitch, we offer the option to do chainstitch hemming in our store. Most of the brands we work with have offered their own, original threads so we can make sure that you’ll get your jeans as original as can be.
For the chainstitch hemming we use a Dürkopp 933-103, which is a flatbed chainstitch machine. It is less known than the Union Special 43200G, and a bit more complicated to handle, but our chainstitch wizard Fez knows his way around it.
Please note that we do not do chainstitch hemming on jeans that you order online with us and which we have to ship. We do the tailoring service in-store only, to prevent any wrong alterations on your jeans. There are many variables at play that affect the fitting and sizing of a jeans and we don’t want to risk making your jeans too short, or keep them too long, before we ship it out. Should you be based far away from our store in The Hague, we can check for you if there is any nearby chainstitch service in the area/country where you live.